Rabu, 11 Februari 2015

My Trip to PONTIANAK, where most of the peoples consume green salted pickled mustard (kiam chye & ham choi kon)

     A couple years ago i had opportunity to visited Pontianak city, invited by my business partner at there, I was so glad first time I stepped my feet on the ground of the Borneo island. so impressive when I'm walking down the roads in the city, enjoy the night also native culinary, and awesome local culture and hospitality of the resident.
     I went back to the hotel at late night, so drowsy n felt so tired by the flight before, i need to sleep tight soon coz i gotta wake up early in the morning coz i had appointment with my partner to visiting the harbor where my product scheduled arrived and ready unloaded from the cargo ship. actually my purposed to came here not only regular vacation but it's intended to check out the conditions of my product after the long journey from my town until arrived here because it spent much time n I'm worried if any bad influence from the shipping n impact by long period of time in cruise.
     It also a valuable moment for me as a trader to have chance to meet directly with the customer, so i can accommodate their complaint,review or impression...so I can learning to improvement my product. hopely toward the future my product more accepted widely in the areas, and my company more expanded..amin.
      some pictures inserted below captured in my activity during trip in Pontianak :

Boarding in hurry

enjoy the flight

having trouble to get sleep soon...hehehe

waiting for breakfast, drink black coffee firstly then "suck my favorite cigar"..so nice

unloaded by heavy equipment

harbor at the estuary of kapuas

landed n distributed soon to the market

Kiam chye Retailed in open air at Flamboyant Traditional market of Pontianak

Dried salted pickled (Ham choi kon) are one of popular preserve vegetable here

Kapuas Estuary River

monument of equator one of prime destinations of tourism

inside the monument

A Great Thank's to Mr. Apo who was generously accompanied the Trip, pick n took me back to the airport
I won't forget all u kindness, n I hope our cooperation will last longer n abundantly of benefit also advantages

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